Zitat des Tages von Joe Biden:
No one making less than $250,000 under Barack Obama's plan will see one single penny of their tax raised, whether it's their capital gains tax, their income tax, investment tax, any tax.
Don't hold against me that I don't own - that I don't own a single stock or bond. Don't hold it - I have no savings accounts.
Arafat's departure has created an awesome opportunity.
Life is a matter of really tough choices.
In Romania, American forces have found a devoted NATO ally.
Except for the title 'father,' there is no title, including 'vice president,' that I am more proud to wear than that of United States senator.
Look, freedom is an overwhelming American notion. The idea that we want to see the world, the peoples of the world free is something that all of us subscribe to.
I know why we're strong. I know why we have held together; I know why we are united: it's because there's always been a growing middle class.
El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras have all agreed to send additional consular officers from Guatemala, from Honduras, from El Salvador, send them to the U.S. border so that we can more quickly and humanely identify unaccompanied children and process their individual removal.
I support immediate financial assistance to the newly elected Palestinian president. Now, I don't know what those numbers will be, and I don't know how it's going to be framed.
The devastating punch we took on September 11th still reverberates throughout American society.
Let's just be smart this time. I'm looking for smart.
In this world, emotion has become suspect - the accepted style is smooth, antiseptic and passionless.
No nation should stoke instability in its neighbor's country.
Reality has a way of intruding. Reality eventually intrudes on everything.
Putin sought to destabilize Ukraine's economy.
The 21st century is going to be the American century. Because we lead not only by the example of our power, but by the power of our example. That is the history of the journey of America.
I have 'Parents' magazine in my home.
I didn't play soccer; I played that other football in grade school through college.
Folks, you're the reason that the automobile industry is back. Whether it was the wage freezes, the plant closures, folks, you sacrificed to keep your companies open. Because of your productivity, the combined auto companies have committed to invest another $23 billion in expansion in America.
I used to say to my late wife, 'I have great faith in the American people.'
When you go to your local police officer, your police chief in the town you live in, big or small, he will tell you the vast majority of the weapons recovered at a crime scene are either stolen weapons, and/or they have been 'lost' or stolen.
It is my view that we cannot conduct foreign policy at the extremes.
A gaffe in Washington is someone telling the truth, and telling the truth has never hurt me.
This is absolutely bizarre that we continue to subsidize highways beyond the gasoline tax, airlines, and we don't subsidize, we don't want to subsidize a national rail system that has environmental impact.
I guess every single word I've ever said is going to be dissected now.
On the way back from Mumbai to go meet with President Xi in China, I stopped in Singapore to meet with a guy named Lee Kuan Yew, who most foreign policy experts around the world say is the wisest man in the Orient.
You are twice as likely to be struck by lightning as you around to be affected by a terrorist event in the United States.
But I was amazed at how organized the Palestinian election authority was, how competent they were in setting up their polling places and the poll workers they had.
There's a lot of revisionist history that goes on these days about Iraq.
Global energy security is a vital part of America's national security.
Romania can be a linchpin in delivering gas to its neighbors and even become an energy exporter for its neighbors across Central and Eastern Europe.
I exaggerate when I'm angry, but I've never gone around telling people things that aren't true about me.
If I don't run for president, we'll all be OK.
You're president, if you conclude my judgment is not the right judgment, I abide by that, but I want an opportunity to have an input.
For any young democracy, the most difficult but important step is burying the legacy of tyranny and establishing an economy and a government and institutions that abide by the rule of law. Every country faces challenges to the rule of law, including my own.