Zitat des Tages von Miguel:
The extremes of who I'd love to be onstage are David Bowie, Prince, and, I don't know, Bjork.
Art is based on emotion, but being macho is based on ego; the wall protecting that emotion.
I think it's natural for an artist to explore as they evolve.
I think there's always been progressive R&B music.
It was important for me to remind people that there's no formula... there's no boundary to R&B music.
I think at any point, as an artist, whatever the medium - just having an audience means the world.
For me, the creative process for me always starts in a personal place. I step away from my iPod or any records or CDs.
I could speak Spanish fluently growing up, but I'm so out of practice, and I have such a tremendous respect for songwriting in the Spanish language.
My sound is definitely what I like to call 'e-clectric.'
I'm really excited to put music out that is a clear projection of my lifestyle.
Interestingly, I matured as a musician and as an artist before I matured as a man. What I mean by that is, I was ready to be completely vulnerable and honest with myself and unapologetic when it comes to how I express myself in my medium. But I wasn't as secure in doing that when it came to just being myself.
I think my style as far as vocal delivery and even down to the pronunciation of certain words is so deliberate.
I think your conversations are indicative of your tastes - even your diction.
I fell in love with funk music through my father - Funkadelic - as well as soul and classical early on.
To its credit, hip-hop is my favorite genre, to this day, and it's hard not to be influenced by the culture and by the movement of it and by the soul of it.
Historically, black music has influenced other cultures and other genres and created other genres.
I feel that as artists - whatever your medium is - I feel that we're watching what goes on around us and we take what we don't see, or we don't hear, or we don't feel and we do something that speaks of it; more about it, for it, or against it - whatever our perspective is - that's what our job is.
'SNL' is probably one of the premiere outlets that a musician can perform on that isn't obviously a music outlet.
I'm a nice guy, but I like to get into trouble.
If you're interested in any artist, go see them live. I always say that you should go see an artist live. That's an experience that only you and the people in the room can say that they have.
I just think that Jack White is the consummate artist - an artist's artist. I'm a huge fan.
I want everyone to express themselves in a unique way.