Jeder / Everybody Sie / You Sünder / Sinner Sünder / Sinners Treffen / Meet Über / Over Welt / World
Since you would save none of me, I bury some of you.
You knew everybody at all the studios and you saw them often.
Everybody knows the story of The Smiths. You can still go and see Morrissey.
When you allegorize, you're gonna get everybody saved somehow.
It's never what you say, but how you make it sound sincere.
If you increase the sales tax... everybody would be taxed.
We will work with everybody for the good of New York.
I'm all over the place. As you may have seen from the credits, I write with everybody.
You can get claustrophobia and agoraphobia - a fear of wide, open spaces - simultaneously on a spacewalk.