Arbeit / Work Aus / Out Erstes Mal / First Time Etwas / Something Gewesen / Been Immer / Always Pferd / Horse Schlagen / Beat Tot / Dead Totes Pferd / Dead Horse Trainieren / Work Out Versuchen / Try Weg / Way Woher / Where Zeit / Time Zuerst / First
The only time I've really been away from my kids to do work was doing Shall We Dance because they both were in camp and it was the first time in twenty years that I haven't been with my kids.
I have seen things few of my countrymen have. The first time I went on an aeroplane I couldn't work out how the lavatories worked up in the sky.
You know how it is. Every time you kiss someone else, in a way you always remember that very first time.
What you want to do is, you want to get away from people being afraid to show their work, which is the first thing, because they don't want to be shot down.
I try to work out, but a lot of hotels don't have gyms anymore, so I always try to find a local gym where there's not a ton of 'roid-heads, 'cause I can't stand them. It's tough.
I've always believed that if you had a fellow who works 150 percent of the time, he's going to beat a fellow who works something less than that.
My working method has always been, 'Work really hard and get it right the first time.'
When I see someone for the first time in a while, and they ask, 'How have you been?' or 'What have you been up to?', it's politeness but a bit of a conversation stopper.
Working in Birmingham for the first time was the best thing, especially as it was round the corner from my mum's house in Harborne!