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To me acting is like a jigsaw puzzle. The jigsaw puzzle is of the sky and all the pieces are blue. Out of this you have to create a human being and put it together.
A jigsaw puzzle is my form of meditation. In New York, I glued all of the ones I did together and hung them up on the wall.
No, absolutely not, writing doesn't have to be like a jigsaw puzzle, it can be a very linear undertaking.
You like a woman, she's got kids, it's a package. You can't just go in one-sided.
If you want to be a comedian, go out. Do a week in Des Moines, Iowa. Try to make those people laugh.
Joe Torre would tell you to make sure you can hit the ball on the outside part of the plate.
I love when a song is conceived as a jigsaw puzzle in the studio, and then it's a natural to play live. That's my gauge of success for a song.
So now it is time to disassemble the parts of the jigsaw puzzle or to piece another one together, for I find that, having come to the end of my story, my life is just beginning.
Life is like a piano. What you get out of it depends on how you play it.