Anders / Different Arbeitsplätze / Jobs Hat funktioniert / Worked Hätten / Had Menge / Lot Mutter / Mother Papa / Dad Stadt / City Während / While
I've worked with Ed Bradley, Dan Rather and lots of different local news anchors.
These things are hard to pin down. We work on a script a bit, then work on a different one.
My mother had lots and lots of children who didn't survive.
We tried - we tried for a year, and we tried different methods and different - and I had in vitro and it didn't work. It didn't stick. It didn't - didn't produce a baby at all.
I had seen birth and death but had thought they were different.
I've always tried to listen to a lot of different music from around the world.
The whole voiceover world is new and different to me and quite challenging.
I'm a designer, I love it, and I haven't worked this hard to do bad work.
My dad worked two jobs his whole life, and so I told him he's the reason I have 20 jobs.