Abspielen / Play Andere / Other Bands Gleich / Same Jede Nacht / Every Night Jeden / Every Kennt / Know Lieder / Songs Nacht / Night Wie / How
Well, if you find a note tonight that sounds good, play the same damn note every night!
We go out there and kill it every night, and you can see what this means to people.
I don't love plays. I don't love doing the same thing, every night, for 100 nights in a row.
Before I had kids, I was out every night of the week.
I read a poem every night, as others read a prayer.
You know what actors are like; they moisturize every night. They're frozen in time.
When you have a play, you have to be on every night.
People that know me know that I cook. I cook every night.
I don't want to say the same lines every night.