Beschränken / Restrict Besitzen / Own Damit / Thereby Freiheit / Freedom Hat verloren / Lost Name Schlacht / Battle Sehr / Very Sieg / Win Suchen / Seek Teil / Part Terrorismus / Terrorism Unsere / Our
Rituals are how we step into our private field of dreams, a small Elysium all our own. Rituals are made not just for us, but for those we want to pass them on to.
Because they're my stories, they're my version of events of the past three years. But I really hope people can hear their own stories within the songs and they can become our version of events.
McLaren was a risky project because they were completely new, but we are one team - we win and we lose together.
'Human Giant' was a kind of lightning in a bottle. A rare opportunity for us to write and create our own sort of thing, with very few restrictions.
Our party never tolerated those who use violence for political ends. Our leaders lost their lives standing against terrorism.
It is very frightening to see a resurgence of the old mores, or lack thereof, regarding women's rights to their own bodies.
This war in Iraq is part of a larger effort to remove this terrorist threat from the planet.
The very flag of freedom that waves over our heads is formed from material cultivated by slaves, on soil moistened with their blood drawn from them by the whip of a republican taskmaster!
I've been in beautiful landscapes where one is tempted to whip out a camera and take a picture. I've learned to resist that.