Dressing Fühlt sich / Feels Menge / Lot Mögen / Like Sehr / Very Sitzung / Sitting Theater Um / Around Umkleideraum / Dressing Room Viel / Much Zimmer / Room
You can't complain about your dressing room or you'll look like Celine Dion.
I like to help create team spirit in the dressing room. I feel that I've got loads of love to give.
There was a note on my dressing room table that said, Call Neil Young.
I'm still that rowdy dude who has after-parties in his dressing room with a concert-sized PA system blasting away.
People send me CDs all the time because I love music. It's great. I listen to them in my dressing room or in my car.
I mean, even my dressing room at the studio has candles and cushions and cashmere rugs and things.
I'm very lucky. I actually like screenwriting. I rarely feel a sense of doom going to my desk.
Spencer Tracy was a man who did very much what I do on a set, and that is, he comes down and he does his job, and then he goes back to his dressing room.
In the dressing room, I always put on my right shoe first. Same thing for my right wristband.