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We are all wrong so often that it amazes me that we can have any conviction at all over the direction of things to come. But we must.
Power always thinks it has a great soul and vast views beyond the comprehension of the weak.
Consider, when you are enraged at any one, what you would probably think if he should die during the dispute.
I don't think any novelist should be concerned with literature.
Oh yeah, I'd love to be a comedian. I've done a lot, but always in the confines of plays.
I think you always, with anything, need to have different viewpoints.
It's gonna be a lot of zeroes in that contract. You gonna think it's alphabet soup or something, all those zeroes in there.
You should always look for opportunities to test innovations on a subset of users if you can.
It is impossible for emotion not to come on us in thinking of that time now flowed away.