Das wichtigste / The Most Important Denken / Think Die meisten / Most Leben / Living Lied / Song Machen / Make Meiner Ansicht nach / I Think Sie / You Soundtrack Teil / Part Wichtig / Important Wichtiger Teil / Important Part Zeit / Time
Tone is often the most important part of a conversation - and listening is so much more important than what you say.
Raising children is an enormously important part of life. I think one of the most important, or the most important, period.
Inner beauty should be the most important part of improving one's self.
The most important thing is that you like the music.
I think an education is not only important, it is the most important thing you can do with your life.
The most important thing is to remain active and to love what you are doing.
The most important thing is to not waste your money.
It's nice to look good, but the most important thing is to be you.
The most important thing in the face is the eyes, and if you can make the eyes talk, you're halfway there.