Denken / Think Diamanten / Diamonds Frauen / Women Gegen / Against Gewesen / Been Kaufen / Buy Männer / Men Meiner Ansicht nach / I Think Nett / Nice Noch nie / Never Rap Sei nett / Be Nice Sie / Them Sollte / Should
You can have a certain arrogance, and I think that's fine, but what you should never lose is the respect for the others.
I'm in a relationship and have never been on Tinder as a single woman, but from what I have seen, I think it is always good to have a picture with an animal to show that you are kind.
There should be an element of mystique between the fans and the artist. That bit between the stage and the audience. I think that's necessary.
I think you should always have a big team behind you if you are a big brand because it makes you think big.
I've never had to rebel against my parents; I never had that sort of teen-angst thing where you didn't get along with them. My dad's always been my buddy.
Nobody wants to be against technology, but I think that regulators should not - and people should not - assume that faster is always better in markets.
And then also I think it's harder for women because comedy is so opposite of being ladylike.
I think it would be nice to see more of an open culture to different music.
I think women do have that fatal streak to them that's partly because it's been romanticized, the martyr complex - 'Look what you did to me!'