Geliebt / Loved Geschmacksrichtungen / Flavors Gewürze / Spices Heiß / Hot Hüfte / Hip Ich liebe / I Love Immer / Always Liebe / Love Mittelmeer- / Mediterranean Sehr / Very
I love to write. I have always loved writing. That was my first love.
I've always loved Spanish. I love my father's Spanish records.
I love my passport. I plan trips very last minute, so I always carry it with me.
I love London. Wherever I've lived, I've always had my flat here.
I love music. It's always been very dear to me. It's a big passion.
Sometimes it's overwhelming but I love my fans and it's always great to see them.
I love westerns. I've always wanted to do a western.
I always hated the part when I had to look pretty. I love that I don't have to look pretty.
Emilia Clarke is someone I'm very close to, like a sister, and I love her very much.