Dressing Immer noch / Still Kumpel / Dude Pa Seine / His System Umkleideraum / Dressing Room Weg / Away Wer / Who Zimmer / Room
I mean, even my dressing room at the studio has candles and cushions and cashmere rugs and things.
In the dressing room, I always put on my right shoe first. Same thing for my right wristband.
There was a note on my dressing room table that said, Call Neil Young.
If you can't stand the heat in the dressing room, get out of the kitchen.
I don't like sitting around in my dressing room very much. It feels a lot like theater.
You can't complain about your dressing room or you'll look like Celine Dion.
I don't have a reputation of being a super-witch who demands pink rugs in the dressing room.
I don't really do pranks any more. I have a laugh in the dressing room here, where it's safe, and the guys don't go to the papers and tell them what I've done.
To have friends who will always take you to higher ground is an incalculable blessing.