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I've found over the years that for some reason, people either are big fans and have to use me, or they don't quite understand what I'm doing.
Somehow our devils are never quite what we expect when we meet them face to face.
I have never kept diaries. I just remember a lot and am more self-centered than most people.
I hardly ever go to parties. If I really have to, I'll go, but I'm not the most open person, which is sometimes not the best quality.
It may take a village to raise a child, but not every villager needs to be a mom or dad. Some of us just need to be who we are.
I know there are a lot of people who believe in me as a player and a person, and I don't want to let them down.
The priests are debarred from female society, nor is any woman permitted to enter the religious houses.
I'm quite dyslexic in school. My dad let me figure out what I wanted to do on my own. My parents never really lecture me.
Nothing prepared me for the loss of my mother. Even knowing that she would die did not prepare me.