Zitat des Tages über Marionetten / Puppets:
Dance looks absurd on film, I think, like little puppets moving around.
Death is a release from the impressions of the senses, and from desires that make us their puppets, and from the vagaries of the mind, and from the hard service of the flesh.
I definitely liked the Muppets. I definitely liked Yoda in 'Empire Strikes Back' and Chewbacca. I don't know if I was a fan of puppets or those, like, specific characters.
We are only puppets, our strings are being pulled by unknown forces.
Children are so used to seeing puppets that when they see a real ventriloquist they don't understand it.
We are no longer puppets being manipulated by outside powerful forces: we become the powerful force ourselves.
I think you could take any Bruckheimer movie and do it with puppets, and it would be screamingly funny.
I remember clearly watching a 'Sooty Show' at a theatre and telling my mum I wanted to be up with the puppets, not in the audience.
The savior who wants to turn men into angels is as much a hater of human nature as the totalitarian despot who wants to turn them into puppets.
The 'Black Album' was my real first introduction to Metallica. I was, like, 12 or 13 at the time. We were just getting into music, and I liked that album a lot, but it didn't necessarily change my life. But when I started picking up all the other Metallica records, 'Master of Puppets' was the one to me that stuck out with its songwriting.
I could never be on stage on my own. But puppets can say things that humans can't say.
When it comes to war, we focus more on the mainstream coverage of the event, rather than the event itself. People dying is never funny. Protest puppets are always funny.
Well, Detroit Institute is kind of a key - probably the largest permanent collection of puppets in the US.
When I was a kid, I never saw a puppet show. I never played with puppets or had any interest in them.
As long as Muslims were confident they could not be defeated, but now we are just puppets.
Some hypocrites and seeming mortified men, that held down their heads, were like the little images that they place in the very bowing of the vaults of churches, that look as if they held up the church, but are but puppets.
The sad thing is, when it comes to diet, is that even when well-intentioned Feds try to do right by us, they fail. Either they're outvoted by puppets of agribusiness, or they are puppets of agribusiness.
That's the thing with animated films - I often feel that puppets get the better parts compared to us normal actresses.
I would love to work with Leonard Cohen, Tom Waits, B.B. King. I'd love to do something with Arctic Monkeys, Miles Kane, and The Last Shadow Puppets. If I got a call from Juliette Lewis or PJ Harvey, or Chrissie Hynde, that'd be a thrill.
Russian Parliament today is a bunch of puppets that just fall in with the instructions from Kremlin.
I've never had anyone put on a puppet show to convince me of anything. And I've done a lot of stuff. I don't know that I would put the puppets on when I was pitching a show. This was the head of the studio putting a puppet show on. And I'll tell you, he wasn't bad.
I worked at a local television station and I got a chance to direct and do all those things - worked kiddie shows, Ranger House show with the hand puppets and things like that.
My puppets are far more liberated than I am. Ventriloquism is a useful way of expressing myself.
If I was to play any song for anybody asking, 'What is metal about?' I'd just play 'Master of Puppets.' The progressions and the bridge are brilliant.
I'm sure in a lot of publishing houses that there is a frustration that people feel, that they're not in control, that they are puppets and the corporate bosses are manipulating the strings.
Money is the string with which a sardonic destiny directs the motions of its puppets.
You can exaggerate with puppets. You're not trying to look like real people. The way the Muppets are designed is really appealing. Puppets are best if they're exaggerated creatures.
The way I talk to the puppets is real, and it's in the moment, and it's seeing what will happen. It's not something that is scripted.