Angehoben / Raised Geboren / Born Jahre / Years Neu / New New Orleans New York Orleans Wohnte / Lived York Zuletzt / Last Zwischen / Between
I've been very proud of a lot of the work I've done in New Orleans.
New Orleans. Born and raised. I lived there until I was 19.
I lived in New York for 10 years, and every New Yorker sees a shrink.
I come from the stage, so I started in New York, lived there for eleven years.
Well, my dad was the district attorney of New Orleans for about 30 years.
What happens in Vegas may stay in Vegas, but what happens in New Orleans, goes home with you.
I saw New York differently after being in Paris for a few years.
I fell in love with jazz when I was 12 years old from listening to Duke Ellington and hearing a lot of jazz in New York on the radio.
I live in New York and I was only there for 2 weeks all last year.